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Program Faculty

"There’s no end to the spiritual and intellectual evolution that can take place by pursuing the humanities."

―Ken Burns


Lepa MarinkovskiLepa Marinkovski
Humanities Scholar Director

Bio Coming Soon


Our faculty mentors have been hand-picked to escort you on your year-long journey through the Humanities. We hope you enjoy new discoveries about our disciplines, yourself, and our faculty partners. Start getting acquainted with them now!

Ben Lyons

Ben Lyons

Ben Lyons is an Assistant Professor of Communication studying the intersection of media, politics, and public understanding of science. His research centers on misinformation and misperceptions using surveys, experiments, web-tracking data, and spatial data. His research has been published in journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Human Behaviour, Journal of Communication, Risk Analysis, and Vaccine, and featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, CNN, and other outlets. Prior to joining Utah, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Exeter and the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.

Lindsey Drager

Lindsey Drager

Coming Soon

Maile Arvin

Daniela Samur

Daniela Samur is from Bogotá, Colombia, a historian of modern Latin America, and an assistant professor in the Department of History. She is interested in the relation between culture and power, spatial history and theory, and in ways of connecting history and fiction. In her research, she focuses on everyday state formation, the social relations of production, exchange, and consumption of mundane objects, material culture, cities, and uneven geographical development. Before moving to the United States to start her doctoral studies, she worked at Colombia’s main public library –Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango– in cultural and outreach projects.

Tara Quinn

Tara Quinn
International & Area Studies

Tara Quinn moved to the University of Utah in January 2022 from Scotland. She was previously a PhD researcher at Coventry University’s Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations and her field work was in Sri Lanka. Her research interests are interdisciplinary, and include environmental justice (land rights, local approaches and resistance to state-led and global development, legacies of colonialism); peace and conflict studies (human rights activism, postwar displacement, gender-sensitive empowerment training); and transitional and transformative justice (gender-based conflict transformation, grassroots organizing, alternative approaches to enabling ‘access to justice’).

Aniello De Santo


Aniello De Santo


Aniello De Santo is an Assistant Professor in Linguistics, where he directs the MathEmatics of Language and cOgnition  (MeLo) Lab. His research combines theoretical linguistics with experimental and computational approaches to answer questions about linguistic representations and cognitive processes (Why are some sentences harder than others to comprehend? Why are some linguistic phenomena easier to learn than others? How are cognitive constraints reflected in the patterns found in languages of the world?). Aniello believes in multidisciplinary, collaborative scholarship. He strives to dismantle artificial boundaries between disciplines, and to nurture a research environment open to diverse perspectives and backgrounds.

Joyce Havstad portrait

Joyce Havstad


Joyce C. Havstad is a philosopher of science and values, with a background in scientific practice. She has worked in a soil ecology lab at UC Davis’ Bodega Marine Reserve, in a gene expression lab at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, as philosopher-in-residence at the Field Museum of Natural History, and as Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. She is now a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Utah—with joint appointments in the Department of Philosophy, the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance.

Romeo Garcia

Romeo Garcia
Writing & Rhetoric

Romeo García is Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric Studies at the University of Utah. His interdisciplinary research on settler colonialism, coloniality, and decoloniality appears in College Composition and Communication, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Across the Disciplines, and Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture. García is co-editor (with Damián Baca) of Rhetorics Elsewhere and Otherwise, winner of the 2020 Conference on College Composition & Communication Outstanding Book Award (Edited Collection), and co-editor of Unsettling Archival Research (with Gesa Kirsch, Caitlin Burns Allen, and Walker P. Smith, Southern Illinois University Press) and Pluriversal Literacies (with Ellen Cushman and Damián Baca, University of Pittsburgh Press, forthcoming). 

Cindi Textor portrait

Cindi Textor 

World Languages & Cultures

My research and teaching take a transnational approach to the study of Japan, particularly the Japanese empire and its legacies in the present. In addition to my primary focus on fiction by Koreans in Japan, I am interested in literature and culture from mainland Japan as well as Okinawa, the Korean peninsula, and Japanese and Korean American communities. 

Last Updated: 1/8/25